About URBACT City Festival 2022

The URBACT City Festival returns in live format from 14 to 16 June 2022 in Pantin / Greater Paris, under the label of the French presidency in the Council of the European Union!
Inspired by European cities’ actions for climate and sustainable integrated urban development, this year’s edition will be the first carbon-neutral URBACT programme-level event.

Celebrating cities! 

Reuniting to show city stories and get involved!

This year’s URBACT City Festival is not only an opportunity for the URBACT community to finally reunite in person after the hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic, but is also the final milestone on the URBACT Action Planning Networks’ journey. European cities will get the chance to exchange ideas, network, showcase the results of their work and get inspired for the implementation of their Integrated Action Plans. The Festival will celebrate the most impactful and innovative city practices and all the hard work on the ground to make our cities friendlier for their citizens! You will hear from leaders, some of the best city practitioners and experts and get new insights for your city!  

Carbon-neutral Festival  

Join us for the carbon-neutral challenge!

We are taking the challenge to make our Festival carbon-neutral!  Starting with the venue, the City Festival will take place at La Cité Fertile in Pantin, an eco-responsible ‘third place’ that uses renewable energy, provides local, seasonal and plant-based food, waste collection and composting. In terms of catering, we are working with local, ethical providers and will offer mostly plant-based food. We also aim to compensate for our remaining carbon footprint to meaningful initiatives. Finally, to achieve our goal, we count on your commitment as participants and we encourage you to choose more sustainable means of travel to Greater Paris and accommodation for your stay. You can find some tips how to do that here.  

Welcome URBACT IV 

Our next programming period with new opportunities!

The Festival will also lead us to URBACT IV, the fourth generation of URBACT – the European Territorial Cooperation Programme for towns and cities. This next programming period will be full of new opportunities and calls for cities. We aim for multiple new towns and cities becoming more just, green and productive – delivering on the vision of the New Leipzig Charter for sustainable urban development. At the Festival you will be able to discover first-hand URBACT IV’s priorities, types of calls and networks and the deadlines to apply. You will also have the chance to meet new cities and potential partners for your initiatives. Don’t miss your chance and join the URBACT City Festival!  

It is time to register!

Do you want to be part of THE festival for EU cities? Register now and join us in driving change for better cities! Check out the 10 reasons to attend the URBACT City Festival 2022 below. The registrations are open until 11 April 12:00 CET!

Label of the French presidency in the Council of the EU

This year, the URBACT City Festival is being organised under the label of the French presidency in the Council of the European Union. From January to June 2022 France holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, hence the decision to hold this edition of the URBACT City Festival in France, to contribute to the European debate and bring together European policy-makers and city practitioners.


Carbon simulator

Check out our carbon simulator and compare how many carbon emissions you can save with your travel choice


The URBACT programme is the European Territorial Cooperation programme aiming to foster sustainable integrated urban development in cities across Europe. URBACT’s mission is to enable cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to common urban challenges, by networking, learning from one another’s experiences, drawing lessons and identifying good practices to improve urban policies.

Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the EU Member States and two partner states (Switzerland and Norway), URBACT contributes to achieving the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. 

More specifically, URBACT aims to:

  • facilitate exchanges of experiences and learning for the benefit of city policy-makers, decision-makers and practitioners;

  • widely disseminate good practices and the lessons learned from the exchanges and ensure the transfer of know-how;

  • help city policy-makers and practitioners, as well as the authorities managing operational programs, to define action plans for sustainable urban development.
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