Site visits
Part of the URBACT City Festival experience is to discover hands on the good practices and examples of integrated sustainable urban development on the ground. Check out the site visits in Greater Paris that we have prepared for you this time!
Green cities
following the main Festival theme, these sessions tackle issues around climate change, energy transition, circular economyInclusive cities
covering issues around ending homelessness, culture for all, and inclusive policymakingConnected and attractive cities
covering innovation, digitalisation, mobility, economic transitions and more to help cities stand out16 JUNE, 08h15 - 12h45
The development of l’île-saint-denis in an approach of ecological transition
La Cité Fertile, in front of the main entrance
Rented bus
At the gates of Paris, the identity of L’Île-Saint-Denis has been built over time, based on its history. The city aspires to reconcile its territory with the Seine River, develop high environmental quality urban projects and recreate the links between the two districts of the city.
The area is famous for the development of an eco-district, the hosting of the Olympic village of Paris 2024 Games and a dynamic social and solidarity economy, while also being innovative in the field of ecological transition.
This walk will also be an opportunity to emphasise and question the city’s participatory approach and the role of partnerships at different scales in creating a new district.
16 JUNE, 08h30 - 12h30
New sustainable sites: Clichy-Batignolles and Chapelle Charbon - New methods: CoRDEES (UIA) and participatory planning
Clichy Batignolles and Chapelle Charbon
8:45 in front of Décathlon shop, 147bis Cardinet street (on the corners of the streets Cardinet and Rostropovitch).
Transportation mode :Public transport
Labeled "Nouveau Quartier Urbain" (New Urban District) by the region Île-de-France, Clichy-Batignolles is one of the eco-districts in which the City of Paris is implementing an ambitious policy of sustainable development. Spread over 50 ha, this sustainable district combines all the components of a city (offices, private, mid-range mixed and social housing and shops as well as cultural and leisure facilities) in an environment that is made particularly attractive by a 10 ha park.
The visit will continue and drive the participants to Chapelle Charbon (Paris 18th), one of the seven operations of the overall Porte de la Chapelle project which recomposes several popular neighbourhoods and logistic zones.
16 JUNE, 08h30 - 12h30
The Techplace “Tech-Free” Hackathon
La Cité Fertile, room: La Prairie
Never been to a hackathon before? Or want to learn more about them? NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Join us to experience the excitement of a city hackathon and learn how it can help tackle urban and social challenges. In this “learning by doing” session we work together on genuine challenges facing cities, using hackathon methods but without needing technology skills. Get involved and experience hackathon methods in a city context – collaborate and innovate to help develop new ideas and solutions!
16 JUNE, 08h30 - 12h30
Metropolitan Dynamics: Building Grand Paris
Livry-Gargan - the focus of the URBACT RiConnect network for the Métropole du Grand Paris
La Cité Fertile, in front of the main entrance
Transportation mode :Transportation mode: Rented bus
This visit will take a close look at the challenges of one peri-urban site in the north-east of the Greater Paris Metropolis, and the specific actions being taken to improve its transport integration, pedestrian access, economic diversification and quality of life. The partners working directly on the action plan for this area, within the RiConnect network, will discuss in detail their progress, and the importance of multi-level collaboration.
Lunch will be provided during the visit.
16 JUNE, 09h00 - 12h30
Tackling urban heat – Bike tour along the water
La Maison des Canaux, Vegetated Raft, Nature&Us, UIA OASIS Paris school playgrounds, School Tandou
Maison des Canaux, 6 quai de Seine, 75019 Paris
Transportation mode :Bikes (+ helmets )
Join the bike tour along the Canal de l'Ourcq to discover local initiatives to vegetate the city, foster biodiversity and reduce the urban heat island effect.
Bring your water, hat, sunscreen… and come cycle with us!
Vegetated Raft, Nature&Us :
UIA OASIS Paris chool playgrounds, School Tandou :
16 JUNE, 09h00 - 12h30
Urban transformations along the Canal de l’Ourcq
Barge trip on the canal d’Ourcq: urban transformation and Est Ensemble's citizens' convention for the climate
Canal boat departure point, Parc de la Villette
Transportation mode :Boat
Join this guided conference tour on a canal boat on the Ourcq canal.
The canal crosses the territory of Est Ensemble, making it possible to show the urban renewal that has been taking place for several years in the territory, on both sides of the canal. The duration of the tour (which starts at the Parc de la Villette) is approximately 3h round trip.
16 JUNE, 09h30-11h30
Earth Cycle (UIA Project) – Recycling excavated soil into construction materials
Cycle Terre production site (2bis rue Paul Langevin, Sevran 93270)
Sevran-Beaudottes RER Station (RER B) 9:15am
Transportation mode :RER (public transport)
Discover this innovative project that transforms excavated earth into building materials! Cycle Terre is an Urban Innovative Actions ( funded project that valorises the reuse of what is currently considered ‘waste’: the tons of earth removed during large-scale construction projects, such as the new train stations of Grand Paris.
16 JUNE, 09h30 - 12h00
Discovering third places for ecological transition
La Cité Fertile, La Recyclerie
Do you know what a third place is? Do you want to get inspiration for an ecological transition site in your city? Join the site visit discovering the functioning of La Cité Fertile, combined with hands-on workshops on local beer-making and urban gardening.
Contact person :
Ariadne Koutitsa -
PDF presentation
16 June, 10h00-11h30
Integrated urban regeneration in Bobigny
Participants will visit the emblematic neighbourhood of ‘L’Abreuvoir’ in Bobigny, a densely-populated town north-east of Paris.
Tram line 1 station Bondy
Transportation mode :Metro, tram, walking
Visit one of the emblematic regeneration projects financed by the National Agency for Urban Renewal (ANRU): the Abreuvoir housing estate.
Designed by the architect Emile Aillaud and built between 1954 and 1958, the Abreuvoir housing estate was awarded the "20th century heritage" label in 2008 for its original shape and central landscaped area. Today, it suffers from multiple dysfunctions with regard to contemporary housing standards (thermal and acoustic insulation, size of dwellings, etc.). The buildings and outdoor spaces suffer from a marked obsolescence and the problems of local urban management are significant.
Thanks to significant investment from the National Agency for Urban Renewal (ANRU), an ambitious programme of reconstruction, combined with landscape and public space improvements, social inclusion programmes around education and employment, all in close consultation with residents, is nearing completion.
See an integrated approach to urban renewal in practice, focusing on both physical infrastructure and accompanying social programmes around health, education and promoting biodiversity.
The commentary will be in French, with English translation.