Do you want to be part of THE festival for EU cities? Register now and join us in driving change for better cities! Check out the 10 reasons to attend the URBACT City Festival 2022 below. The registrations are open until 11 April 12:00 CET!
Register here
10 reasons to attend the URBACT City Festival 2022 
- Reunite with the URBACT community in person.
- Find out what the URBACT city networks have been up to. 
- Be part of the first URBACT carbon-neutral event. 
- Promote your city and its actions.
- Network and connect with peers from all over Europe.
- Participate in workshops and masterclasses delivered by top city professionals.
- Find out about the newest city trends.
- Build the momentum of European cities acting for climate.
- Experience Greater Paris and its innovations through site visits.
-  Try local food and drinks.